Eastern Uvaria is a large woody climbing shrub, with
brilliant red flowers. Flowers are bisexual or unisexual, usually
solitary or 2-3 fascicled, extra-in leaf-axils or in leaf-axils, brick
red, about 5-6 cm in diameter, flower-stalks woolly, about 2.5-4 cm
long, buds top-shaped, bract, basal, nearly round, leaf-like, about
0.5-1 cm long. Sepals are 3, broadly ovate or triangular, base fused,
tip blunt, reflexd, fulvous brown woolly outside, velvet-hairy inside.
Petals are 6, in 2 series, nearly equal, obovate, tip curved inwards,
blunt, leathery, brick red, brown woolly on both sides of the curved
tip, about 2.3-3 x 1.2-1.5 cm across, inner petals almost similar as
outer petals. Stamens are many, about 3-4 mm long, anthers linear,
nearly stalkless. Branchlets are softly rusty woolly, when young,
becoming hairless when mature, often circinate. Leaves are simple,
alternate, obovate-oblong or elliptic-oblong, 15-24 x 6-11 cm across,
base slightly heart-shaped or rounded, margin entire, tip deeply
pointed, shallow tapering, papery, membranous, dark green, nearly
hairless paler densely rufous star-shaped velvet-hairy beneath, lateral
veins 18-25 on either side of the midrib. Leaf-stalk is softly woolly,
about 0.3-0.5 cm long. Eastern Uvaria is found in Eastern Himalayas,
from Nepal to NE India, Burma, and Thailand, at altitudes of 300-600 m.
It is also found in Andaman and Odissa.
Identification credit: M. Sawmliana
Photographed in Mizoram.
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